Podcast 5 Talent

How to discover, know your talent and making it your life’s mission will lead you to greater success and a greater level of joy in its achievement.

No one deserves to be mistreated, harmed, abused and certainly not tortured and killed. Yet it happens everyday and it is promoted in films, television and on the Internet many times  daily, one show after another. Isn’t it about time we started to support films and television broadcasting that lifts the human spirit to a higher levels, in areas of life, and not through lectures or talk shows but through quality films and shows. I encourage you to help us to produce Least of Brothers a film that lifts the spirit. Visit our website at http://www.leastofbothers.com check out the perks and make a donation, and may God Bless you.

An introduction to a film based on Matthew 25:40 “What you have done for the least of my brothers you have done for me.” In verse 45 it also states, “What you did not do for the least of brothers you did not do for me.”

John F. Kennedy said, “Don’t ask what the government can do for you but you can do for the government.” Let’s take this to a higher level don’t always ask what God can to for you ask what you can do for God.

We encourage you to visit the Least of Brothers Website at: http://www.leastofbrothers.com and become part of our community. You can also become a friend on FaceBook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Least-Of-Brothers/181378845331555.

Also share this with your family and friends so that we can spread the Word of God.

Thank you and God Bless

If you are looking to attract and manifest more of what you want in life you must first be true to yourself. Start by knowing your talent, personal theme and mission.