Tag Archive: Motivation

Desire in action: “The Wannas”

To long to or to wish is the definition of desire this however is not enough to manifest our personal theme and mission something more is required. What is required is what I call the “wannas”. The definition or the characteristic of wannas is a strong desire put into action. To illustrate this point permit me to use a few strong negative images. When a drug addict wants or needs a fix he or she has the wannas. He or she will do what ever is needed to get their next shot of heroin. When someone is hungry and without a job and they have not eaten in days an individual may eat scrapes found in a garbage can. These individuals will do what is necessary to satisfy their burning desire. There are women without an education or illegal immigrates who sell themselves into prostitution in order to earn money for the basic necessities of life. All these individuals understand the concept of wanna.

These are negative antisocial examples of wanna but they illustrate the point easily. Desire is not enough just as faith without works is dead so is it with desire. If Thomas Edison did not posses a case of the wannas he would not have invented the light bulb. All the great men and women in human history have had a case of the wannas.

I know a woman that has the wannas. She wants to purchase her own home and she wants to do it with cash. Everything she does is toward that goal. I have met other individuals who have had the wannas and each of them have accomplished their goal. I knew a teenager who wanted to buy a new car when he turned seventeen. He went to work and saved his money and when he started to drive he bought a new car. Unless we put our desires to action all we have is wishful thinking.

In order for our theme and mission to become a reality and not just wishful thinking we must put all our energy into converting the abstract into a physical reality. Our mission will remain in the abstract world of imagination (wishful thinking) until we have a burning passion of want (“there you go”). When our passion for wanting becomes so strong that it moves us to action we now have the wannas. Desire must be put into action. Desire in action is the wannas.

Tune in to The Efactor Show on Intention Radio at: www.intentionradio.com/efactor  for more tips on becoming the people successful person you can be. You can also pickup a copy of “Choosing One Theme” at: http://www.evolveist.org  for addition information in order to rewrite your storied life.

When you plant Faith Seeds God blesses you.  This is a concept that the Bible teaches. We often ask God for all kinds of things but how often are we willing to

No one deserves to be mistreated, harmed, abused and certainly not tortured and killed. Yet it happens everyday and it is promoted in films, television and on the Internet many times  daily, one show after another. Isn’t it about time we started to support films and television broadcasting that lifts the human spirit to a higher levels, in areas of life, and not through lectures or talk shows but through quality films and shows. I encourage you to help us to produce Least of Brothers a film that lifts the spirit. Visit our website at http://www.leastofbothers.com check out the perks and make a donation, and may God Bless you.

An introduction to a film based on Matthew 25:40 “What you have done for the least of my brothers you have done for me.” In verse 45 it also states, “What you did not do for the least of brothers you did not do for me.”

John F. Kennedy said, “Don’t ask what the government can do for you but you can do for the government.” Let’s take this to a higher level don’t always ask what God can to for you ask what you can do for God.

We encourage you to visit the Least of Brothers Website at: http://www.leastofbrothers.com and become part of our community. You can also become a friend on FaceBook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Least-Of-Brothers/181378845331555.

Also share this with your family and friends so that we can spread the Word of God.

Thank you and God Bless

Moving upward to the next level of manifestation on the Tree of Knowledge is consciousness is in control. The individual is a predominantly positive thinker, with feelings of success. Here we have the people who manifest their businesses and other forms of affairs and activities through sheer will power. They know that it is a numbers game, that it requires physical action, which means working long hours, making a large number of phone calls, physically organizing, seeing clients, running errands, administrating, and doing whatever it takes to be successful. That might, however, create an unbalanced lifestyle but one that is financially sound.

The final stage is consciously programming the subconscious mind in order to manifest our desired results. The individuals are those who seem to get all the breaks in life. They use the power of their imagination to attract and manifest their desires. They understand and use the basic Law of Manifestation to their advantage. Winners believe that they can win on both the conscious and subconscious levels. We accomplish this by visualizing the win both mentally and emotionally and expecting it to happen. This law functions regardless if you are aware and understand it or not. It is the Hermetic law or correspondence, which states, “As within, so without; as above, so below.” What you think and imagine in your conscious and subconscious mind, the abstract world of thought, will manifest its mirror likeness in your concrete world of matter. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. This is the law, and it manifests for the good or for the bad. In short, there is only one result for the Law of Manifestation, and that is success. It will manifest what your conscience holds to be true. No one fails. An individual has successfully arrived at the thoughts held to be true. We are constantly recreating the world around us. This ability is a result of our likeness to God. Since the non-physical attributes of man are images of God, man’s conscious mind has some similar characteristics, desire, love, and visualization, to mention a few. Therefore, man can utilize the Law of Manifestation as well. In addition, man’s collective consciousness can have impact on a larger scale. “Where two or more are gathered…” Man’s collective consciousness can accelerate the manifestation process.

In each of the levels, the subconscious mind receives programming by the suggestions that the conscious mind delivers. The subconscious simply responds because it has no ability to reason. It does whatever programming suggests. It is constantly attracting or repelling those conditions that we put into it. In each of these levels, you will notice that there is no conscious awareness of a theme. Once a theme is recognized and there is a focus on a mission, the individual moves up to the final level. Here, one becomes more successful by worldly standards; however, the individual is still spiritually dead. The focus is still primary self-orientated.

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the       knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” Genesis 2: 16-17 (rsv)

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Volume One

The first volume deals with the primary components of a narrative (story) and their relationship to prophecy and to facilitating the journey to Eden. (Volume two will deal with the characters of a narrative.) These elements, when utilized with concentrated meditative thought, can magnetize, attract, and manifest visions from the abstract world to appear in the world of matter. Using the elements of a narrative in this manner can have a very profound impact on planning one’s life. These elements can provide the framework for constructing an organized journey for leading a fulfilled and successful life, one full of health, wealth, and loving relationships. If, for example, you desired to construct your own home, you would need several things: a location, the legal requirements of the location, zoning, and a set of blueprints. Blueprints are required prior to receiving community support, the cost of construction, the location of the home on the lot, and its construction. This book illustrates the importance for understanding and living one’s theme. It also demonstrates how to discover a personal theme. It demonstrates that by using the narrative concept of theme, one can take the same great care in creating a blueprint for a life journey as in building a house. However, the ritual of using elements of a narrative can create one’s own personal prophecy based on the Law of Manifestation. What we hold in our conscious and subconscious will materialize from the abstract realm into the physical.

The book of Genesis 1:3 (KJV) provides us with insight into this law. The spoken word is the beginning of manifesting an idea or vision into a concert reality. God said, “’Let there be light.’ And there was light.” The process described is that first, God had a vision of light; and then God spoke the word that symbolized the vision; and finally, the vision materialized. The same concept is stated in John 1:1 (NASB): “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh.” A word is a symbol for a thought or idea. Replace word with thought, and you have, “In the beginning there was a thought, the thought was with God, God was the thought, and the thought was made flesh.” What we have is the scientific process for thought to become matter. The first stage is abstract idea. The next stage is thought realized. The third stage is a symbol, spoken, written, or drawn. And the final stage is construction, materialization, or formation. Notice that thought is present in all four stages, focuses on the one concept, and maintains throughout, holding on to the original conceived thought. “Keep thy heart (or desire, thought) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23, KJB). This simply means that what you believe will happen, will happen. Jesus Christ also said, “By your words you are justified, and by your words you are condemned” (Matthew 12:37, NASB). Many have brought either happiness or disaster into their lives by their choice of words.

The ancients believed as well as Carl Jung that certain symbols were archetypes, which contained specific characteristics that, when meditated upon, would manifest in the mediator’s life. The tarot cards symbolize these particular archetypes. Each of the seventy-two cards symbolizes a particular thought, idea, or premise. The idea is to meditate on the image of a tarot card daily until the theme of the card manifests into the world of matter. This was the original intention of tarot cards.

Just as a set of blueprints (tarot) are symbols used to transform an idea of a house into material structure, so too can a narrative, prewritten autobiography help to plan and manifest a wonderful fulfilling life. A set of blueprints will show the location of the house on a particular lot (property), how the foundation is to be set, and the types of framing and finishing materials required. The narrative process parallels the architectural process for designing, organizing, and building a life journey. The setting is the location, theme is the foundation, mission is the function, conflict is the obstacle to resolve, characteristics are the materials, the main character is the contractor/builder, and supporting characters are the various trades people needed to construct the fulfilling life. The one ingredient that must always be present, throughout the process, is focused on pure thought. The idea, vision, or thought is operating throughout the process in order to manifest the design.

In addition, expectancy in the materialized form of the idea or vision is essential for the manifestation to occur into concrete form. In this volume, we will explore the following elements, theme, mission, or basic problem to be solved; the outcome or the resolution; the setting (where and when); and the plot line, the journey or series of events between the beginning of the journey and the successful manifestation of one’s theme and mission. In volume two, we shall discuss the characteristics of the character of a story essential for successful manifestation of the mission.

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Choosing One Theme evolved from a curriculum called Our Storied Lives: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, which developed out of years of guided study at the nurturing hand of Shekinah/Holy Spirit in areas of biblical and secular materials, meditation, research of mental development, hypnosis, experiencing being in the zone, and from teaching the literary components for reading and writing to children and adults. Shekinah inspired me while teaching adult students the narrative process that we can state the essence of every living creature and nonliving object in our world with a single theme for the reason for being. Knowledge of one’s theme would answer the age-old suggestion “Know thyself.” Personal Theme relates to Plato’s perfect pattern, Florence Scovel Shinn’s divine design, Addison O’Neill’s material personality, and Joseph S. Benner’s idea. A theme is an individual’s true destiny as intended by infinite intelligence, universal consciousness, or God, if you prefer. Once the revelation of a theme occurred to me, a flood of knowledge filled my conscious mind.

I began to use this knowledge in my adult evening classes to illustrate theme as an element in a story. With this information, I developed a strategy for teaching the two-edged sword concept of theme 1) as it applies to the reading and writing process of a narrative and 2) as it applies to self-discovery, to students in both my special education classes and my adult evening classes with the aid of DC and Marvel Comics. Having shown students the covers of Superman, Batman, Iron Man, and Spider-Man comics and then asked, “What kind of characters are these?” they replied, “Superheroes.” They were then asked, “What do superheroes do?” They replied, “Save people.” I asked, “From whom?” They responded, “Super villains.” I then asked, “What do you think is the main idea or theme of every comic book with a superhero?” Their answers were, “Saving people, good versus evil, and salvation.”

One of my adult students, during the lesson, indicated that Jesus Christ was a superhero and his theme was salvation. My response was, “Very good!” I particularly liked this answer. The whole idea for the lesson had begun while mediating on the event in Jesus Christ’s mission when He saves a prostitute from stoning. This act was not of healing but rather salvation. I had also done a great deal of reading concerning Mary Magdalene, so Jesus clearly is the ultimate example of a superhero. These meditations were also manifesting in my solid world of matter. (I will deal with manifestation in greater length later.) There is a great deal of spiritual development for man in understanding the energy behind the first encounter between him and the prostitute. It is, in fact, the physical experience of the archetype of the seduction between Adam and Eve. Something is about to happen, negative or positive. I met a woman who was self-employed in the oldest profession. She was unable to find work and had a son in medical school. She needed to earn money. She was desperate and crying, nearly twenty years younger than I. So I purchased a small business and put her to work. She now had respectable employment, and I was now her angel, hero, or savior. I realized that in that chapter of my life, I had played the part of the hero, and that was the theme for that chapter. That experience, provided by the Holy Spirit, inspired me with this concept of uncovering one’s theme.

When the class understood the concept of theme, I asked, “If someone was to write your biography, what would be the theme of your life?” None of my students were able to answer; therefore, for homework, their assignment was to examine their life as a story in search of a theme. After several lessons and homework assignments, they each arrived at a theme. My seventh and eighth-grade resource students were able to discover a theme with less degree as compared to the adult students in ABE/GED classes. This, I believe, was due to less influence from worldly experience and opinions and belief of self. In a research project conducted by my wife on career choice, she discovered that adults who were most content and happy in their chosen career chose their career between age of ten and eleven.

After my evening adult ABE/GED students and my seventh and eighth-grade resource students had discovered a theme, it provided both groups with a clearer picture of who they are and what their career choices should be. This awareness empowered them with greater focus for their future, as well as to improve their writing skills. It was apparent to me that an individual theme was divine design, infinite intelligence’s intent for a particular personality. Awareness of a particular theme was, in fact, a primary step for oneness with super-consciousness (universal consciousness, or God), the Eden state of consciousness. Christianity refers to this state as the Christ within, or Christ consciousness. Without this state of consciousness, it is impossible to escape the trials of tribulation that await humanity. Christianity teaches that the life of Christ was prophesized long before he appeared and walked in Israel with both details of his birth and death. A hypothesis came to mind: “What if individuals, having discovered a theme and envisioned a life based on their theme, then wrote their own prophecy, autobiographies, and then lived it. They would lead a more fulfilling life.” This hypothesis was based on the statement, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33, DBT). After my students discovered a personal theme, I asked them to write about their future based on their individual personal theme as if it had already happened and to read their story daily.

My resource students with various learning disabilities suddenly became empowered with a desire to learn the necessary educational requirements to achieve their individual theme. This knowledge of a personal theme provided them with a mission and an understanding of the importance to master the necessary skills and educational requirements to manifest and achieve their personal theme. The knowledge of their personal theme empowered them with possession of their destiny. As a result, it accelerated their learning to the point that they were declassified and were able to join the general population. The significance of this achievement indicates a mastery of two or more grade levels within a single year in either literacy or mathematics or both. This dramatic result occurred with the introduction of writing an autobiography, an self-fulfilling prophesy, before living it. Individuals who go through this process can fulfill their intended destiny.

In closing, I would also like to add that, although the original design of Return to Eden was a methodology for teaching the narrative process for classroom teachers and their students, the original purpose began to evolve as the concepts took on symbolic form (words). It evolved from being the author of a narrative to becoming the narrative, the symbol of the author’s hand. It became significantly apparent that I was the student writing the master teacher’s, Father’s, thoughts. What had started out to be a workbook on finding a personal theme leading to a successful, abundant life with health, wealth, and happiness for individuals of various ages also became the blueprint for the way to Return to Eden. “Enoch walked with God, then he was no more,” (Genesis 5:24, INV). Enoch walked with God, disappeared and entered into the World of the Living, and returned to Eden. Jesus Christ became the road for us to travel on so we too could return to Eden.

Enjoy the journey back.


Mirela David had this to say about Choosing One Theme, “Your book and exercises on You Tube are great. You my dear are a genius.” She also had this to say, “I read your book every day. Not read. I meditate on every line and I believe it is a great piece of art.” Visit my website to purchase a copy.

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