Tag Archive: Education

Here is a list of nations in their order of disbelieving in a God in any form. It will provide an insight into why the world has become so immoral and sin is no longer regarded as evil. It will also show how this is setting the stage for the false Messiah to appear. All of these non-believers are antichrists. The end-time beast is the false messiah.

CountyReligiousTotal AtheistsNon-ReligiousConvinced AthiestNo Answer/Unknown
Czech Republic24.00%75.00%47.00%25.00%3.00%
United Kingdom27.00%72.00%58.00%11.00%3.00%
Hong Kong33.00%66.00%33.00%30.00%3.00%
South Korea35.00%65.00%37.00%23.00%5.00%
United States56.00%43.00%32.00%7.00%4.00%
Bosnia And Herzegovina75.00%24.00%21.00%1.00%2.00%
DR Congo80.00%21.00%9.00%8.00%4.00%
Papua New Guinea94.00%6.00%5.00%0.00%1.00%
Ivory Coast94.00%6.00%6.00%0.00%0.00%


Another hidden truth that is not mentioned when people speak of Pro-Choice and Pro-Life is PASS. Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. The basic argument for Pro-Choice is that it is a woman’s body, and she has the right to choose. On the flip side, the fetus is not her body but another life and should be permitted to live. Some would suggest that females need to prevent pregnancy in the first place. However, what neither side is discussing is the after-effects of abortion. My quest is that Pro-Choice doesn’t want to discuss it because it would give the other side ammunition. The other side would suggest that women would not want to harm their bodies. Neither side states that abortion has adverse effects on a woman’s well-being. Most abortion centers don’t wish to overstate risks that stigmatize abortion, seek to intimidate women, and are unethical. However, not pointing to the possibility is just as dishonest.

What is Post Abortion Stress Syndrome? It is a conduction similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Those who support the existence of PASS post-abortion syndrome have compared it to PTSD, suggesting it shares many of the same symptoms. The symptoms commonly associated with the post-abortion syndrome include tearfulness, mood changes, including anger, sadness, grief, or numbness, depression, guilt, regret, or denial of the abortion, flashbacks, nightmares, disrupted sleep, thoughts of suicide, substance use, relationship issues, decreased self-esteem, and fear of future pregnancy come with a warning label.

In a world where television broadcast drug commercials provide the positive and negative effects of the drugs, and if you have any symptoms, stop taking the medication and consult your physician. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, we are told to wear a mask for our protection and the protection of others. It would seem logical that women should receive suggestions to protect against unwanted pregnancy and the possible risk associated with abortion. The suggestion is to be wise and not foolish since the consequence of abortion could be a woman’s mental and physical health. 

Here is what happened in the Garden of Eden and why Adam is not responsible for sin even when the blame for it should be on Eve. Let’s look at what happened in Genesis 3: 1-7; we read, “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, Did God really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” 

The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Notice first that the serpent could speak and not until later had legs and could walk. The serpent says to Eve, not Adam, and he lies to her. What is it that finally sells Eve to eat the forbidden fruit but the desire to be like God? She wanted more than her present condition; she wanted to be a God, the first sin of self-idolatry. Every day, we see this very same desire wanting more than you have and being great and powerful without being grateful for what you have. Since that very day, women have always sought the better provider. She eats first and now gives it to Adam, who is standing by. Adam’s mistake first is not rebuking the serpent. Instead, he quietly listens to the conversation. He also fails to ask, how do we know she won’t die, perhaps he does not know to ask the question. However, he still had the option to say no. Adam’s sin is weakness and failing to stop his wife from disobeying. Some theologians even suggest that the serpent had sex with Eve, further suggesting Adam’s cowardice and comparing it to women today who have sex while their weak husbands watch.

Today we see the constant emasculation of man by the serpent spirit to put the female children of Eve in the same dominant role that caused the fall. Adam was responsible for Eve. God had placed him in the garden to take care of it. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15) Therefore he was to take care of Eve as well but he failed. Contrary to what the liberal left would like us to believe that masculinity is no good. The proper rule is for masculinity to prevent evil and protect people from it and not to submit to it. As a result, Adam is blamed for the fall of mankind and not Eve who was both seduced to disobey and became the seducer to cause Adam to disobey. I am sure she said to Adam after eating, “See I didn’t die!”

Let’s look at the facts concerning abortion from a different view.  Women claim they have a right, it is their body and they should have the right to choose what they do to it. Let’s call them the Farm Owner they invite a Seed Farmer who has lots of seeds to play on the farm. But the Farmer Owner does not tell the Speed Farmer not to leave his seeds anywhere on the farm. The Farm Owner doesn’t protect the area from being seeded either, no covering over the soil, or use anti-seed repellent. So she welcomes the Seed Farmer to play and plant his seeds anyway. The seeds begin to grow and Farm Owner decides after not doing anything from keeping the Seed Farmer from planting seeds to destroy the crop. Since the seeds don’t belong to Farm Owner how does she, the Farm Owner, have the right to demand what she wants to do with seed growing on her farm, (her body) when in fact she is not destroying, the farm, (her body) but the Seed Farmer’s crop? Therefore the Seed Farmer who planted the seeds with the farm owners’ indirect permission should have a say to his crop. Now I don’t see the Farm Owner destroying the farm and she if tried someone would say she is crazy. She isn’t burning down the farm. It is not about the farm but the crop. The crop also belongs to the Seed Farmer. So ladies the choices are clear, do not have sex unprotected if you don’t want (the Crop) babies. But if you want to feel liquid seed bullets spraying on the farm try using the pill, or an IUD. Since that would the right choice from keeping the Seed Farmer from leaving his seeds in the first place. Not later when it is life that also belongs to the sperm donor.

“How the oppressor has ceased, The golden city ceased! The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked, The scepter of the rulers;” (Isaiah 14:4-5 NKJV). Throughout the course of time, the worlds’ centers of wickedness, “golden cities,” have stood as an affront to God’s will. They have been destroyed and brought to desolation. When we read the Bible, we see the number of cities destroyed by God, including Jerusalem and the Temple Twice. Today in America, we have LA with its sexual immorality, Chicago with violence, and DC with corruption. The list of cities in America is long with wickedness. When the city of Jerusalem can fall more than once where God’s spirit was present, undoubtedly cities in America can crumble. Just look at several cities in California with thousands of people living in human waste on the streets. Why is this happening to gain illegal votes to continue staying in power and accumulating wealth by corrupt means?

People shout out God bless America, but God does no bless wickedness; He punishes evil cities and nations. How can God bless a nation that kills babies? American kills over 600,000 babies per year. The baby-killing has moved from in the womb at birth thanks to politicians like Governor Cuomo, who seem to think this pro-choice stance is good for getting the women’s vote. It is interesting that a woman can kill a baby inside her because it is her choice, but if a woman tries to kill herself, she is considered mentally ill. When she chooses to destroy a different life not her own she is mentally sane and not a murderer, even after birth with the help of a doctor who is assisting in the killing.

“What of the corrupt practice of laziness? Should God bless a nation where 50 percent of the population would rather live off of other people’s labor. The word of God clearly states the work of your hands. “You lazy people, you should watch what the ants do and learn from them. Ants have no ruler, no boss, and no leader. But in the summer, ants gather all of their food and save it. So when winter comes, there is plenty to eat. You lazy people, how long are you going to lie there? When will you get up?” (Proverbs 6:6-9) The reality, they are not only lazy but a burden like a thief. The Left in America supports this behavior once again for votes to remain in power with no concern for those who struggle with working for what they have earned.

Those in power and those who continue to put them in control will bring a curse upon America and God’s punishment. Unlike many false teaching theologians, America will not be playing a significant role the day and the hour before Jesus Christ’s return. Unless America repeats its wicked crimes, she is boomed to bring the punishment of God upon her.

To learn more about the end times order a copy of Journey Through Revelation by Anthony F. Raimondo at Amazon, and learn what is going to happen.

Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen and if that expectation is negative we fail or give up. Our hope needs to be based on positive out comes. Yet, the media has chosen to feed us images of the terrible outcomes. We need to focus on the positive events around us. Listen to the importance of real Hope.

Click the Link to hear the show


The Human Bridge between the inner and outer worlds is the topic of the show.  Mark Arnowitz will share how he came to write, “In the Summer of Brain Highlands” and his mission in Costa Rica, also music by CKay and a meditation.

Human Bridge  Mic & Hat

If I was to write your biography what would the theme of your story be? Share your story of discovering your personal theme and mission with me at: Doc@docspeaksshow.com


Desire in action: “The Wannas”

To long to or to wish is the definition of desire this however is not enough to manifest our personal theme and mission something more is required. What is required is what I call the “wannas”. The definition or the characteristic of wannas is a strong desire put into action. To illustrate this point permit me to use a few strong negative images. When a drug addict wants or needs a fix he or she has the wannas. He or she will do what ever is needed to get their next shot of heroin. When someone is hungry and without a job and they have not eaten in days an individual may eat scrapes found in a garbage can. These individuals will do what is necessary to satisfy their burning desire. There are women without an education or illegal immigrates who sell themselves into prostitution in order to earn money for the basic necessities of life. All these individuals understand the concept of wanna.

These are negative antisocial examples of wanna but they illustrate the point easily. Desire is not enough just as faith without works is dead so is it with desire. If Thomas Edison did not posses a case of the wannas he would not have invented the light bulb. All the great men and women in human history have had a case of the wannas.

I know a woman that has the wannas. She wants to purchase her own home and she wants to do it with cash. Everything she does is toward that goal. I have met other individuals who have had the wannas and each of them have accomplished their goal. I knew a teenager who wanted to buy a new car when he turned seventeen. He went to work and saved his money and when he started to drive he bought a new car. Unless we put our desires to action all we have is wishful thinking.

In order for our theme and mission to become a reality and not just wishful thinking we must put all our energy into converting the abstract into a physical reality. Our mission will remain in the abstract world of imagination (wishful thinking) until we have a burning passion of want (“there you go”). When our passion for wanting becomes so strong that it moves us to action we now have the wannas. Desire must be put into action. Desire in action is the wannas.

Tune in to The Efactor Show on Intention Radio at: www.intentionradio.com/efactor  for more tips on becoming the people successful person you can be. You can also pickup a copy of “Choosing One Theme” at: http://www.evolveist.org  for addition information in order to rewrite your storied life.

An introduction to a film based on Matthew 25:40 “What you have done for the least of my brothers you have done for me.” In verse 45 it also states, “What you did not do for the least of brothers you did not do for me.”

John F. Kennedy said, “Don’t ask what the government can do for you but you can do for the government.” Let’s take this to a higher level don’t always ask what God can to for you ask what you can do for God.

We encourage you to visit the Least of Brothers Website at: http://www.leastofbrothers.com and become part of our community. You can also become a friend on FaceBook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Least-Of-Brothers/181378845331555.

Also share this with your family and friends so that we can spread the Word of God.

Thank you and God Bless

Another example is that my theme is transformation, and my mission is to inspire transformation (evolution of the conscious mind of man) in other human beings in order for them to achieve excellence in all areas of their lives, leading to the path of rapture to all those with whom I come in contact, elevating their state of being and transforming them to new heights. A friend of mine, Sharon, has a theme of compassion. Her mission is to facilitate individuals to accept themselves and others and to help them open to their highest and best possibilities. Please take note that in both examples, there is the element of service to humanity. This element of service is in harmony with the fundamentals that provide a state of equilibrium in nature. All forms of life provide a service to create this state of equilibrium on this habitat we call Earth. A theme is the seed for a mission. It is the one thing that only one person can perform at any one singular moment, at a particular place. In the eyes of the Father, all themes are equal, for all themes and the personalities that perform them are all parts of Him.

In order for individuals to discern a personal theme, the journey to discovery becomes inward. One must first disconnect from all outside influences. Lot’s wife is turned into a pillar of salt when she turns back to look at the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because her heart (conscious thoughts) was still attached to the cities. One’s theme is not associated with symbols of possessions or fame. Owning a mansion is a symbol of worldly success. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all will be added unto you” (Matthew 6: 33, kjv). We must first desire God and turn inward in order to eat from the Tree of Life in order to answer the age-old question, “Why am I here?” When you can honestly answer this question, you begin the journey home, back to the garden of Eden, the place of oneness.

The following are a series of preliminary exercises to begin the journey of discovery. For best results, make a recording of the following guided mediations, and then allow the recording to be the guide. This method will greatly facilitate and accelerate the process. Parents can guide children through this process of relaxation and meditation. Please note that mastering this technique provides greater level of achieving complete relaxation. Remember that both the body and mind must be in a state of relaxation in order to access memory in the subconscious. As in the preliminary exercises, practice this guided meditation until you are able to follow each of the suggestions without interruptions. Remember that the goal is to create an imaginary world that appears as vivid as our physical reality.

Visit my Website and sign up for the complete charter. http://evolveist.org

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